Case Studies

Case Studies
Improve your organization’s current programs and processes with help from our field experts. Over the years, UII has provided efficient solutions to challenges faced by our clients from different industries. To get more information about our work and how we can be of service to you, read through our featured case studies.
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Outfitting Financial and Logistics Management Support
The Challenge
The Naval Sea Systems Command Outfitting and Material Support Division (SEA 04L4) needed the capability required for the design, management, and performance of outfitting operations in support of new naval ship construction and alteration of active ships. Operations also utilized a financial system with approximately 700,000 transaction expenditures totaling more than $200,000,000 annually.

The Solution
UII integrated engineering, construction, finance, and supply systems that support outfitting. Our experts furnished the full range of program management services, preparing minutes, correspondence, briefing material, program status reports, current project status, metrics, and graphs, and implemented the entire planning, programming, and budgeting cycle for the new ship construction and fleet modernization outfitting requirements. UII also supported the program efforts in outfitting execution and outfitting business process reengineering.
The Impact
UII achieved maximum leverage from existing and evolving information technology with the high volume of transactions. Information was accurate, accessible, and delivered on time. Through managed ship life cycle support and total ownership cost, UII dramatically improved the ships’ living conditions and optimized crew and labor-saving technology.

Calibration and Life Cycle Support Program Support for Strategic Systems Programs
The Challenge
Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) required Test and Measurement Equipment (T&ME) Calibration and Life Cycle Support (LCS) Program Support for the TRIDENT submarine system.

The Solution
Based on Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM) and TRIDENT workload, UII provided the analytical definition of standard requirements, calibration recalls, and service package standards for C3/C4 BackFit (BF) FBM submarines. With our standard laboratory, certified by the Navy to ANSI/NCSL Standard Z540-1, we support the FBM and TRIDENT programs and function as the primary US and UK TRIDENT Inter-Laboratory Comparison Program (ILCP) Control Laboratory. UII is also an active participant as an SSP representative in Test and Monitoring Systems (TAMS) Executive Board endeavors, including the AIS, Engineering, and Program Management Standing Committees.
The Impact
UII’s Program Support resulted in highly effective technical management and coordination capability for the implementation of the FBM and TRIDENT Calibration Support Programs. SSP operates a highly flexible and responsive information data system of over 600,000 requirements, inventory, and calibration history records, supporting FBM/TRIDENT data requirements.

Quality Assurance in Public Transportation
The Challenge
The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) needed quality assurance, project management, and technical support to procure new rail cars.

The Solution
Starting with inspection services, UII’s rail vehicle quality team assists through all stages of procurement, from design to warranty management. Using our extensive experience in the 2000/3000-Series vehicle rehabilitation, we are currently supporting the WMATA in the procurement of the 5000-Series vehicles in the planning and execution of vehicle quality inspections in the car builder’s plants in Spain and Maryland. Final acceptance inspection and testing are conducted on the WMATA property. Additionally, we manage project scheduling and schedule surveillance of the projects.
The Impact
With UII’s support, WMATA can conduct ongoing studies for continuous improvement of all rail vehicle systems and ensures the availability of vehicles to support growing service to the public. Advancements in rail cars, such as sophisticated train control, diagnostics, AC propulsion, and microprocessor technology, make WMATA’s transportation service safer, more reliable, and more efficient.